Once again, Columbus was lost!
I had my interview with TFA on Tuesday and can you believe that I overslept! Now, I managed to make it to the interview on time and completely dressed, but I still overslept past the time I wanted to get up and did actually get to the site later than I wanted to, however did manage to get there in time...but, it still really stressed me out!
I read the following on a blog that I read regularly and found it unbelievable...until I checked Wal-Mart's website myself.
True southern through and through. Glad to have you. You are a card carrying southerner and can boast of your heritage.
Are You a Real Southerner
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Let me first say that I have the highest regard for veterans. I truly appreciate and honor those veterans who fought and died honorably in the service of their people and the cause of freedom.
The AngyTwins have posted this on their blog...I haven't heard of it before but I'm definitely intrigued.
It's like 2:3o in the morning and I just got back from celebrating my friend Anna's birthday with a bunch of friends. I have to admit I'm just a little, teeny, weeny bit tipsy...I drank 3.5 margaritas (0ne friend didn't finish theirs and you can't just leave alcohol...can you?).
The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (their website here)...